Quantum Base Choose Pixeltree For Their Native App’s Exciting New Phase 

Having formed huge partnerships across the globe, Quantum Base have come a long way since spinning out from Lancaster University back in 2013. 

Harnessing their expertise in quantum physics to create unbreakable product authentication, the expert team at Quantum Base was founded on a vision to: 

  • Provide companies and organisations with a guaranteed non-replicable authentication method for their products. 
  • To deliver something that is simple, scalable and cost effective enough for companies and organisations to adopt easily. 
  • To combat counterfeits that may harm brand reputation or pose a threat to users, e.g. counterfeit medication. 

From passports and pharmaceuticals to FMCG and apparel, Quantum Base’s products have the potential to protect industries worth hundreds of billions from fraud and counterfeiting at a global scale. 

Quantum Base’s Goal 

With the goal of further enhancing the usability of Quantum Base’s mobile app, the Pixeltree team have joined up with Quantum Base for a discovery and design phase to: 

1. To implement UX best practice and maximise ease of use for customers. 

2. Ensure app improvements are user validated ahead of an engineering phase.  

3. Help facilitate a streamlined client acquisition process through the creation of an SDK. 

Challenge Background 

Having created a game-changing product to a global problem, optimising product usability and encouraging word-of-mouth growth through great user experiences has now become one of the main focal points for the Quantum Base team.  

As their native app is central to their overall user experience, its usability, how intuitive it is and its aesthetics will all contribute to how a user feels using the app, having ramifications on long term use and the likelihood of being used across different industries.  

Without internal UX resource in-house, the team at Quantum Base invited Pixeltree to help identify keys areas of UX improvement within the app, craft new designs and assist in the delivery of their app’s next phase. 

Our first workshop with the team at Quantum Base!
Our first workshop with the team at Quantum Base!

Our Approach – Product Sprint to Development 

To meet these goals, we’ll be working closely with the Quantum Base team across a multi-week Product Design Sprint, spanning early-stage discovery and workshops through to final prototype design and engineering handover.  


1. App Analysis, Planning and Early Collaboration 

At Pixeltree we believe that discovery and analysis as a group is essential to alignment and uncovering all project critical insights.  

During our first phase, we’ll review the existing app, analyse existing data and surface insights around the challenges we face before synthesising them into a few key points we can carry into the rest of the project. 


2. Workshops and Ideation 

From there, we’ll conduct a number of workshops to reveal the customer journey, ideate solutions against established pain points and begin crafting low fidelity solutions we can pursue as a team. 


3. Prototyping 

We’ll then bring the best ideas to life through high fidelity prototyping; creating something that follows best-in-class UX principles and offers a realistic representation of the solution. 

This will then be put to the test with a sample of Quantum Base’s user demographic, revealing insights about how they would navigate the app, what they like and dislike, and validating whether our prototype solves the original challenge. 


4. Iteration 

Using the feedback provided, we’ll run iterative sprints, a way of further refining our designs and prototype to meet user needs. 

Once the prototype has been refined to best address the challenge(s) identified, we’ll produce a detailed handover document to the engineering team to ensure the app enhancements are delivered as smoothly as possible. 

Want to prototype and usability test a new concept in just 4 days?

Fill in the form below and let’s have a chat!