ARMSA and Pixeltree for next phase of their h’alt® digital platform

Empowering the future leaders of the renewable energy market, ARMSA have been the leading experts in their field since 1996. 

ARMSA have supported and trained professionals that have shaped the global energy sector; and have provided resources that have delivered industry recognised best practice to over 2.500 learners across 40 countries 

Trusted by global clean energy champions like Vestas, ARMSA’s comprehensive learning and data analysis solutions drive positive change throughout organisations, from onsite safety and risk management guidance for wind turbine engineers to HR information for supervisors and management, helping teams achieve top-tier performance and efficiencies.    

ARMSA’s Goal 

Designed for renewable energy companies in the world, ARMSA have set out to create a new digital interface for processing information from their innovative digital platform h’alt®, with the aim of providing senior management with easier access to actionable insights and overall client performance. 

Project Background 

Companies behind clean energy projects are under significant pressure. With the world’s climate deadlines approaching with each passing day, energy providers are under the microscope to deliver faster and keep up with the world’s growing demand.   

But it’s not always as simple as “just build faster”. The sector’s ability to expand, optimise capacity and manage risks all ties into the performance of individual projects, and the data they’re able to gather to inform future decisions.   

That’s where ARMSA’s h’alt® comes into play.  

h’alt® empowers professionals and companies to make better decisions through world-class content and data visualisations, increasing project success rates, giving board-level data overviews and training the next generation of renewable leaders. 

But despite already helping teams across the world turn insights into action, ARMSA wanted to push the envelope even further by introducing greater automation for their data interpretation and reporting features.  

This would not only aim to streamline ARMSA’s role in insight analysis and producing recommendations, but also deliver even more value for their 3 core users: 

  • Engineers and non-management staff: The people at the forefront of delivering energy projects benefit from having their queries answered by better targeted content. 
  • Supervisor and manager roles: Managers benefit from clear and customisable data visualisations that make insights easy to digest and content gaps easy to identify.  
  • Senior management: High authority individuals can make strategic decisions based on real data regarding topics like training, equipment investment and  resource planning. 

Our workshop with the ARMSA team

Our Approach: Discover and Design 

Working with the innovative ARMSA team, we’ll be partnering up across 4 phases to explore the scope of the project, design/prototype based on established requirements, and set the stage for the development of the end solution.  


Stage 1: Discovery 

Over the course of workshops and calls, we’ll uncover the key processes behind their existing system with a focus on providing analysis that will capture the full scale of the challenge and any considerations. 

We’ll then work with the ARMSA team to imagine what their ideal future process might look like through a number of collaborative tasks.  


Stage 2: Putting Pen to Paper 

Using what we’ve discovered, we’ll rapidly ideate possible solutions and begin crafting wireframes and low fidelity designs that we can use to bring to life the processes we’ve identified.  

These early wireframes will then be taken forward and iterated on in later stages. 


Stage 3: Requirement Gathering and Documentation 

At this stage, we will take all the information in the prior stages (e.g. functional requirements like user stories, wireframes and the tech stack, as well as non-functional requirements) and any design requirements from the ARMSA team for producing testable prototypes (e.g. accessibility measures and brand guidelines) before committing them to formal documentation. 


Stage 4: Testable Prototypes 

We’ll work with the ARMSA team to create interactive designs informed by our user stories, user journey map(s) and storyboard(s).  

This will give the ARMSA team an opportunity to feel what a high-fidelity solution would be like to navigate and use, while presenting the chance to gather real user feedback with clients to validate their solution before beginning the next phase.  

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